Saturday, May 7, 2011

Days of Me

Days of me

Morning rising up
out of the ocean of sleep
dreams pulling loose
I want to dive back in
to the wonderful worlds
I escape to each night

Awake begrudgingly at last
I face reality and wonder 
why get out of bed 
know because I am blessed
alive to a new day
I escape into wonder

I turn over leaves
get out my microscope
click on my stargazer
read, paint, write, listen
talk with a friend
walk my dog with my husband

He and I shop, cook, eat, laugh
go our separate ways 
for our evening, me to write
he to watch TV and then
I pull the blinds shut
dive back into the ocean of sleep

1 comment:

  1. Willow, I love how you look at the wonder you escape to after your ocean of sleep. So many wonders in the midst of our struggles in our everyday life. This is beautifully written, and I especially love "oceans of sleep/dreams pulling loose."
